Neshka Karadzhinska
producer, director, sales and distribution managerNeshka (1986, Sofia) is an award winning filmmaker, producer and film agent with a diverse artistic background. After her graduation in Film and Television Directing and Cinematography in New Bulgarian University she has worked as a director, cinematographer, camera operator and photographer in film, TV and advertising. In 2013 she completed an internship program in Film Producing in Chouchkov Brothers in Sofia. Since than Neshka has taken part in numerous productions as an assistant director and junior producer, and attended The EFM, Marche du Film, Dubai Film Market, Agora Market and Sofia Meetings.
Neshka has written, directed and produced the short Pawnshop and the documentary Does It Make Sense When It Doesn`t Make Sense?!. Both films have been presented at more than 60 national and international festivals and brought her 9 awards and nominations for best short and best first film, direction and production. She is a member of the Bulgarian Film Academy.